Every day is recommended to drink water Medium carbonized. Although water is the most valuable Rich, do not let us drink it every day. But reach for it when we are physically active, and in hot weather. Full list of UNESCO World Heritage sites in the UK how many have you been to?We take a look at the full list of UNESCO World Heritage sites in the UK for some major staycation inspiration(Image: Various Getty)Get Weekly updates directly to your inboxSubscribeSee our privacy noticeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailThe UK is filled with so many incredible and beautiful places, so where do you even start when you’re planning a staycation?Well the good news is that there is plenty of inspiration to be found in the full list of UNESCO World Heritage sites in the UK.In fact, Britain is home to 31 of them!The best part is that means that there’s something for everyone, whether you’re looking to see iconic landmarks, or want ideas for those breathtaking sweeping landscapes Britain is renowned for.Here we take a look at every single one of the UK’s World Heritage sites and why they need to go on your wishlist immediately including where to stay if you’re going to visit.Happy holiday hunting!1. Blaenavon Industrial Landscape(Image: Universal Images Group Editorial)Blaenavon in South Wales boasts a fascinating history, especially its role in the country’s production of iron and coal.Nowadays, you can still find coal and ore mines, quarries, railway systems and workers’ homes; you can easily spend a day or two checking out all of the various attractions.There are a few hotels in Blaenavon too if you’re looking to spend the night, but one that’s proven a hit with visitors is the Lion Hotel which boasts a 4.5 rating on TripAdvisor and has budget friendly prices from a night.2. Blenheim PalaceThis spectacular country house in Oxfordshire is steeped in history, most notably as it was home to the Churchill family for over 300 years.It became a World Heritage Site in 1987 and members of the public can take tours of the State Rooms, Duke of Malborough’s Private Apartments and the beautiful Formal Gardens.
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